
Hardly does a workplace related discussion happen these days without some deliberation on the newest addition to the workforce - Gen Zs. 

Love them or hate them, Gen Zs (born 1997-2012) have come to stay. Though currently a paltry 5-6% of the current workforce, data shows that that figure would triple within the next year or so. 

But the question is why are people so affected by this demographic? Why does it seem as though they speak a different language altogether, further complicating the already delicate connection between them and the rest of the work force? 

Why do other demographics struggle to understand, work with or achieve results with Gen Zs on their teams? 

In this course will go beyond just exploring the unique traits, values and behaviors of the Gen Z employee. It shall unravel the critical issues which leaders and managers need to be mindful of in their quest to successfully interact with, engage with and inspire the most creativity and productivity from the Gen Z within their workforce. 

The time for trial and error is now over, we need to get it right going forward.